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Revo Foods Unveils the World’s Largest Industrial Food 3D Printing Facility: The “TASTE FACTORY” : link to the video

In a groundbreaking move for the food technology industry, Revo Foods, an Austrian startup, has officially opened the world’s largest industrial food 3D printing facility in Vienna, Austria. Dubbed the “TASTE FACTORY,” this innovative facility leverages Revo Foods’ proprietary ‘3D Structuring Technology,’ which allows supermarkets to introduce 3D-printed foods featuring unique textures and functionalities. This development represents a significant step forward in food production, aiming to meet the evolving demands of modern consumers.The Vision Behind the TASTE FACTORYAt the heart of the TASTE FACTORY is Revo Foods’ commitment to revolutionizing food production through advanced technology. This facility is designed to operate at full capacity, producing up to 60 tons of food per month, marking it as the first large-scale application of food 3D printing technology globally. The TASTE FACTORY not only showcases Revo Foods’ innovative capabilities but also sets a new standard in the food industry.Introducing THE FILET – Inspired by SalmonThe TASTE FACTORY’s inaugural product is “THE FILET – Inspired by Salmon,” made from mycoprotein, which is derived from fermented mycelium. This product will be available in supermarkets starting October 3rd. Unlike traditional food production methods, which often involve high temperatures and pressure, Revo Foods’ technology operates under milder conditions. This ensures that more micronutrients are retained in the final products, significantly improving their nutritional profile.Nutritional Highlights of THE FILETTHE FILET boasts an impressive Nutri-Score of “A,” making it a healthy alternative to traditional seafood options. It is high in protein, rich in omega-3 fatty acids sourced from microalgae oil, and contains essential vitamins B6, B9, and B12. Furthermore, it is abundant in fiber while being free from cholesterol, sugar, and gluten, catering to a wide range of dietary preferences.The Science Behind 3D Structuring TechnologyRevo Foods’ 3D Structuring Technology is a game changer in the food production landscape. It enables the precise combination of two different materials, such as fat and protein (the latter being found in muscle meat), to create complex food forms. This process produces novel textures and juicy, tender structures, particularly beneficial for plant-based products. The integration of fat results in delicate layers in THE FILET, which easily separate when cooked, enhancing the aroma and mouthfeel of the dish.One of the most promising aspects of this technology is its ability to create protein-rich foods from natural raw materials or biomass, such as mycoprotein. The traditional industrial production methods often compromise the nutritional content of food, but Revo Foods' approach preserves these essential nutrients, representing a significant advancement in the food production sector.Flexible and Innovative Food ProductionToday's food production processes tend to be rigid, leaving little room for product iteration. However, Revo Foods’ 3D Structuring Technology automates complex processes, allowing for rapid production of diverse foods with short iteration cycles on the same machine. This digital flexibility opens the door to incorporating a wide range of ingredients, enabling the creation of entirely new textures and culinary experiences.As Robin Simsa, CEO of Revo Foods, stated, “With the Taste Factory, we are showcasing that this technology works on an industrial scale. This enables a new generation of food innovations. With 3D Structuring, we can create entirely new textures using simple but nutrient-rich ingredients like mycelium, creating products that are just so much more exciting.”Future Directions: Personalized Nutrition and Mass CustomizationThe TASTE FACTORY is not just a landmark facility; it represents a leap toward the future of food production. Revo Foods is already collaborating with large food producers interested in utilizing 3D Structuring Technology for innovative product development. Looking ahead to early 2025, Revo Foods plans to unveil joint product developments that will leverage this technology to create tailored food solutions, catering to individual consumer needs through “Personalized Nutrition” and “Mass Customization.”Availability of THE FILETFor those eager to try THE FILET, it will be available in over 500 locations through REWE Austria, one of Europe’s largest retailers. Additionally, customers across Europe can conveniently order THE FILET through Revo Foods’ online shop.

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